This week, I started incorporating the second element into my project. I opted for dowel rods.

This is an example of how the wood will be installed into the clay, I plan on getting longer pieces of wood to have a deeper altar and I also want to find different ways to decorate with the same wood.

Here are four altars that will be entirely made out of clay. I am really proud of how they look. The finish is clean and careful. I am working on patterns to use around the piece. I am thinking about keeping the color brown of the clay and adding the pattern painted with black or white underglaze.

I made these earring holders over the summer that I am planning to sell on IG, and right now, I am trying to decide on a price. Since some of them are leaning, I don't know what price would be appropriate.
On Monday, I want to 3D print some 3.5' spherical mold that will be a backdrop for the altars.